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Upcoming: Slave Leia Apron & Han In Carbonite Throw

July 22, 2010 has recently announced a couple of interesting exclusives. The first is a Slave Leia apron. A little tacky methinks. More interesting to me is the Han in Carbonite throw (blanket). It’s 52 inches by 68 inches in size, so I guess it’s a little smaller than life size, but probably close enough. Might be a good decoration for my “throne room.” 😉 It’s kind of pricey at $60, though.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. July 23, 2010 2:35 am

    Yeah, the apron looks like something straight out of the seventies. remember the bikini ones that guys used to wear for a joke? (Just out of curiosity, will you be getting one for the collection anyway?)

    The throw’s very nice and a great idea. Sounds like something from Thinkgeek though.

  2. icruise permalink
    July 23, 2010 10:18 am

    The only things I consider to be “must-haves” are things that feature Jabba himself. I have a number of Slave Leia things, but only as accessories to larger pieces, so I doubt I will be buying the apron.

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